How to get accepted to the DCP:

This is a detailed video of all the things you should know about the DCP application! I will go further into them later in this blog post.

There are four steps in the application process…

  1. Initial Application
    • Send in resume
      • pro-tip: make your resume sound more “Disney-like”. It has become known that Disney has a language of its own. A lot of cast members know this as “Disney keywords”.
        • When your resume is sent into the Disney Recruiters Database, it is searched upon for key words and sentences. For example, if you use the word “guest” instead of “customer” that gives you a better foot in the door than anything else.
    • Select which roles you prefer
      • pro-tip: the more roles you say that you will accept the higher of a chance you’ll have of being accepted.
      • *roles = jobs*
  2. Web-Based Interview
    • This stage in the interview process is basically just a glorified personality test.
    • You’ll spend 10-15 minutes answering the same questions over and over again that are just worded differently.
    • Pro-tip: keep track of how you answer each specific question-this way you will know how to answer the same question that is just worded differently.
    • If you answer the same questions differently then you will not move onto the next stage.
  3. The Phone Interview
    • This stage is known to be the most nerve-racking and scariest of them all!
    • A recruiter from Disney will personally call you and you will then participate in a phone interview for 15-30 minutes.
    • Pro-tip: what I personally found useful was acting as if you are just having a simple and friendly conversation. By doing this, you will portray yourself as a more likable and friendly person.
    • Pro-tip #2: another thing that I personally found helpful was BEING PREPARED! I wrote down my answers to sample questions and had them in front of me, continuously practiced with friends, and did a lot of research.
    • The main focus of the phone interview will be your past work experiences and why you want to work for the Walt Disney Company.
  4. Offer
    • In this stage you will receive an email telling you if you got accepted (WOO-HOO!) or denied (big sad).
    • If you are accepted-congratulations!
      • You will then need to complete a list of tasks leading up to the point where you are an official Walt Disney Cast Member.
    • If you are not accepted-keep trying!
      • Disney Recruiters want to see how bad you want to work for them! Keep applying and show them!

It is very competitive

Thousands of students from all around the world apply to the DCP every year. Although Disney does hire up to 12,000 students every year to work for them. The DCP provides Disney Theme Parks and Resorts about 5% of their workforce.

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