
The Odyssey Online is a website that operates based on a crowdsourced model. This means that the website itself receives articles from a base of thousands of volunteer authors and the articles are then edited through their teams of volunteer strategists. The key word here is volunteer.

Everything that is done on The Odyssey Online is that persons choice. They are not forced to do anything that they don’t want to do or write anything that they do not want to write. That is what makes this website so unique. The Odyssey Online presents the work of people who have a passion for what they want to tell the audience.

Looking at The Odyssey Online in relation to the website I am trying to build here I realize that I want this website, Disney College Program Hacks, to be a volunteer website also. I want to be able to have thousands of individuals from around the world who have personally participated in the Disney College Program to publish their own tips and tricks. To me, I believe this is one of the best ways to learn something-by getting a personal point of view from someone else. And what is better than getting thousands of personal viewpoints on something that you are terrified but so excited to try, like the Disney College Program?

I believe incorporating the crowdsourced model into my website for Disney College Program Hacks will make it easier to connect and reach out to my audience. The audience I am trying to reach are individuals who want to participate in the Disney College Program but they don’t know what to expect. I was once one of these individuals. I believe if I had a website like this I would personally love to see the different viewpoints from individuals who participated in the Disney College Program-it would make me less anxious for what is in store.

All in all, I believe the Disney College Program is an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone that ever asks me about it. But, what is better than just me, one person, recommending the Disney College Program? Multiple individuals from all ethnic and social backgrounds recommending it.

2 thoughts on “Screencasting

  1. I think its a really cool idea to make your blog into a crowdsource website. I always look to blogs when I want to discover different programs or places to travel because its nice to hear firsthand experience.


  2. Your video was very informative about how to use this site. I have never heard of it before but it reminds me of wiki how but in blog form. I chose to do my screencast on that website


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