Promote me!!!

In today’s society social media is the motivation of everyone. People post things on their social media accounts to get the most likes, retweets, favorites, etc. It can go so far that a persons motivation to do something can be driven specifically by posting something on social media. This means that someone may go out of their way that day to do something just so it looks good on their social media accounts.

Nowadays, a person’s life may revolve around social media.

So since social media has such a big impact on who we are, why don’t we utilize it and use it to promote ourselves? Don’t get me wrong, I am one of these people who posts something on Instagram just for the likes.

If every person who is reading one of my blog posts were to share it on a social media platform many other individual’s will become aware that it exists. They may only visit my website if they personally like the topic but at least promoting my website itself will allow the possibility for others to see it.

If every person who visits my website were to utilize the social media tool of sharing then many more people will visit my website.

All in all, thanks for visiting my website and reading about the Disney College Program! Remember, sharing can help others learn about the Disney College Program too!!

One thought on “Promote me!!!

  1. You make some great points in your post. I think a lot of people post things for the likes cause we know a lot of our friends liked it, but I think some people do go too far with doing things only for social media.


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