5 Things You Need To Bring On Your DCP

1.) A car

If it is possible for you to bring your car, bring it! I drove my little Volkswagen Beetle all the way from New Jersey to Florida and it was so worth it! Having a car during the DCP cuts down travel time indefinitely and will make your life a lot easier. Cast Member’s do have access to their own bus system but they are not always reliable.

2.) Water filter

Orlando water is not the cleanest so I definitely recommend for you and your roommates to all pitch in and get a Brita Filter that hooks onto the faucet in the kitchen! I had one of these during my program and it saved us from having to drink gross Orlando water!

3.) Tupperware & reusable water bottles

I am always one to have a reusable water bottle on me at all times so this one was not new to me. Although, using Tupperware was something new to me because I am not used to making my own meals. Having Tupperware around helps you save money because you can bring food to work instead of buying your lunch everyday.

4.) A big whiteboard calendar

This is for you and your roommates to keep track of all your schedules. Very rarely not all of you will be home at the same time as one another. Instead of continuously sending texts in your roommate group chat asking when everyones going to be home you can all just write your weekly schedules on a calendar.

5.) Command strips

Much like dorm rooms, DCP housing does not let you poke holes into the walls to decorate things. My roommates and I all bought a pack of command strips each and used those throughout our apartment to decorate.

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