About Me ~ Podcast!

The podcast I made is basically just a simple introduction about myself and what I did during my Disney College Program. I can honestly talk for hours about my DCP and what it is like and the things I did but I decided to make my podcast a simple overview.
I have never used any audio recording systems before this so this whole process was brand new to me. At first, it was difficult to figure out all the buttons and things that go along with Audacity. I chose to watch about three youtube videos to get a better understanding of how to cut and add music for my intro and outro. It was in these videos that I saw that most podcasts have the same music for the intro and outro and if they don’t then it is strange to see. Me learning this process and recording everything only took about an hour and a half. This surprised me because usually it takes me longer to use technology I am not familiar with but all in all, this was a pleasant and easy experience.

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