How the DCP can change your life

The Disney College Program can change an individuals life just as much as Disney can when you visit one of their theme parks or resorts. It is known that there has always been a certain “magic” to the Walt Disney Company and everything they do is looked upon in an awe-spiring manner.

To be apart of the Walt Disney Company is an extraordinary experience. If you are like me and the Walt Disney Company has been in your life as you’ve grown up then the DCP has the chance to change your life also.

Here are a few of the main reasons why the DCP can change your life:You’ll make forever friends

You’ll make forever friends!

It is most likely that you will start your DCP not knowing anyone. This is what most people are afraid of. Lucky for you, you will be placed with 3-6 roommates and tons of coworkers who are experiencing the same sense of loneliness! The people I worked with became my best friends. We spent everyday together and we even bonded so much that we would even spend our days off together! The thing that sucks is that once the DCP ends you don’t get to see them everyday like you’re used to. Most people that do the DCP are from all over the world so at least I have somewhere to stay when I travel now!

You’ll make amazing connections!

One of the main concerns that college programmers have is what they’re going to do after the program ends. My biggest piece of advice is to connect with your mentors! I bonded so much with my coordinator and manage that they referred to me as their daughter. We had such a strong bond that when I left at the end of my program both of them were crying… This broke my heart but literally a day later I got a FaceTime call from both of them telling me that if I ever want to work for the Walt Disney Company again then they will do whatever they can to help me. Making connections is a huge way to put your foot in the door and, in the end, change your life!

Cast member perks!!!

This is a HUGE reason why working for Disney is amazing. The perks that cast member’s get are never-ending. It can go from little things like discounts at local restaurants in Orlando to free entrance passes for you and your guests into the Walt Disney Theme Park! Now you’re probably asking “ok but how can free entrance passes change your life?” Well I will tell you! The most obvious one is that it saves you a ton of money. But a less obvious thing that only cast member’s can understand is that once you have all these discounts and free-admission you don’t want to go to a Walt Disney World Theme Park again without them! Going back to Disney World after my DCP was like a big punch in the face. Not only did I see the new college programmers who replaced me at my (former) workplace but I also had to buy everything! This most definitely changed my life because now I value all the extra things that the Walt Disney Company does for their cast members. They are treated very well with a lot of benefits which is another reason why I want to go back!

Yes, the Walt Disney Company is an amazing name to have on your resume but the friendships and experiences you gain as a cast member will change your life forever. Even if you do not decide to go back to the Walt Disney Company the DCP will still have made a huge impact on your life and made you grow to the person you want to be.